19 junho, 2007

Uma pequenina notícia sem qualquer relevência:

"White House e-mail records missing: House Oversight Committee
Michael Sung at 9:46 AM ET

[JURIST] The US House of Representatives Oversight Committee [official website] said Monday that e-mail records for 51 of 88 White House officials being investigated [interim report, PDF] for potential Presidential Records Act (PRA) violations were missing [press release], finding that there have been "extensive destruction" of e-mail records of officials who used accounts issued by the Republican National Committee (RNC). The Oversight Committee found that the White House heavily relied upon RNC e-mail accounts to circumvent the PRA, which requires the preservation of presidential records on all "activities, deliberations, decisions, and policies that reflect the performance of his constitutional, statutory, or other official or ceremonial duties.""

Há acidentes chatos, outros inconvenientes, mas este é realmente muito chato. Adicione-se a estranha coincidência: não havia backups! Nem dos PC, nem nos servidores. Fantástico.

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